New NServiceBus related articles and tutorials were on short supply last week but the project is still actively moving forward.


  • Project Changes - Current revision: 1386. The revision number is rising quite rapidly. This week the NServiceBus configuration got new options among other things.

Tutorials and Articles


Happy coding!

Got an interesting NServiceBus related link? Did I miss something? Link not working? Please, send mail or contact @MikaelKoskinen.


Sorry for the rather large delay in this week’s NServiceBus Weekly. Things have been rather hectic lately (see here, here and here) but I’m trying to get back to the normal schedule in the next episode.


  • Project Changes - Current revision: 1379.  It seems that NServiceBus will get a new configuration model at some point, as pointed out by the revision 1370. Overall, we saw ten new revisions last week so the NServiceBus team isn’t sitting idle.

Tutorials and Articles


See you again in few days.

Got an interesting NServiceBus related link? Did I miss something? Link not working? Please, send mail or contact @MikaelKoskinen.


I today received my copy of Martin Fowler’s Domain-Specific Languages. Quick browsing seems to point out that this book was well worth the investment.

As a side note, Amazon.co.uk has quite a nice selection of programming books in discount. The discounts have made me little worried that I may have to buy a larger bookshelf in the near future.



NServiceBus is moving forward. The trunk version now targets the .NET Framework 4.0 by default.


  • Upcoming conferences and courses – Udi Dahan has posted an updated list of upcoming conferences and courses. Many of them include NServiceBus in one way or another.
  • Trifork Geek Nights – Mookid will give an introduction to messaging in .NET with NServiceBus in Trifork Geek Nights in November and December.
  • Project Changes - Current revision: 1369. Last week brought as over ten new revisions. Some highlights include: “Support for send only endpoints” and switch to .NET Framework 4.0 as the default target framework.

Tutorials and Articles


Thanks again for the great NServiceBus material. Until next week!

Got an interesting NServiceBus related link? Did I miss something? Link not working? Please, send mail or contact @MikaelKoskinen.