There’s a new version of Adaptive Cards for Blazor available: version 1.1.0 has just been released and it adds support for Action.ToggleVisibility.

ToggleVisibility adds an ability to create cards where card elements can be hidden or shown runtime. It’s quite similar to ShowCard, but instead of the action targeting a card inside a card, ToggleVisiblity can target any element, like a container or an image.

Quick introduction of Adaptive Cards for Blazor

Adaptive Cards for Blazor is a community project that provides Adaptive Cards support for your Blazor applications. Here’s some interesting features provided by the project:

  • Templating: Combine models (objects) and the schema.
  • Card Collections: Display a list of cards based on model and use template selector to customize the output.
  • Action support: Handle Submit and OpenUrl actions using C#.
  • Native .NET-based solution: Blazor Adaptive Cards is based on the official .NET SDK for Adaptive Cards.

The roadmap

Now that version 1.1.0 is ready, the main focus will be on versions 2.0.0 and 3.0.0. The current goal is to release 2.0.0 in November 2019. The version 2.0.0 will add .NET Core 3.1 support to Adaptive Cards for Blazor.

Even more important is the 3.0.0 version. The aim is to release preview of 3.0.0 in May 2020 with support for .NET 5’s Blazor WebAssembly. 

Of course, minor versions may be released for bugfixes and for new features.

For the up-to-date roadmap, please see the following page: https://www.adaptivecardsblazor.com/roadmap.html

How to learn more

As before, the best way to start learning about Adaptive Cards for Blazor is the “Getting Started” –tutorial. There’s also a “Quick start” available.

There’s also more than 40 samples available which show you how to use features like Card Collections and how to handle submit actions in C#.

For the source code and current issues & feature requests, please see GitHub.