Blazor.EventAggegator updated to work with Blazor 0.9
Blazor.EventAggregator now works with Blazor 0.9. The library was first released back in February when Blazor was still (partly) called Razor Components and we were still using .cshtml-files. Blazor.EventAggegator 1.1.0 release updates the library to work with latest preview bits of Blazor.
For those not familiar with Blazor.EventAggregator, it is a lightweight Event Aggregator for Blazor. Event aggregator is used for indirect component to component communication. In event aggregator pattern you have message/event publishers and subscribers. In the case of Blazor, component can publish its events and other component(s) can react to those events.
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For those not familiar with Blazor.EventAggregator, it is a lightweight Event Aggregator for Blazor. Event aggregator is used for indirect component to component communication. In event aggregator pattern you have message/event publishers and subscribers. In the case of Blazor, component can publish its events and other component(s) can react to those events.
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