I’ve recently started using the Telerik’s RadControls for Windows Phone. Here’s a convention for Caliburn.Micro which allows the easier usage of RadTransitionControl:

            ConventionManager.AddElementConvention<RadTransitionControl>(ContentControl.ContentProperty, "DataContext", "Loaded").GetBindableProperty =
        delegate(DependencyObject foundControl)
            var element = (ContentControl)foundControl;

            var useViewModel = element.ContentTemplate == null;

            if (useViewModel)
                return View.ModelProperty;

            return ContentControl.ContentProperty;

With this convention you can use the RadTransitionControl similar to ContentControl but with the difference that RadTransitionControl will show an effect (like fading) when the content changes. Here’s an example where the convention is used by Caliburn.Micro to automatically bind a control named Target to the ViewModel’s property:


<telerikPrimitives:RadTransitionControl x:Name="Target" />

View model:

        public NewTargetBaseViewModel Target
            get { return target; }
                target = value;
                NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => Target);